War and Peace


Hello,dear readers!

What do you think is the most important thing for people? I'm really sorry that I can't hear your answers  now.(Maybe, it would  be an interesting topic for online discussion). But I think, I can predict your answers : love, good family, health, wealth. Anything else?

All the answers are right, and they emphasize the most valuable thing for each person on our planet. But only for those who live in developed peaceful  countries. Some months ago I was one of them. But not now. Now I know : the most important thing is peace.

I was born and raised in a peaceful society and knew about wars only from textbooks and grannies' stories. My country-Ukraine- was the most calm place for all people who lived here as well as our guests. We didn't have any language, cultural or religious contradictions. We used to be happy.

But now my district is burning in war. Till now I can't understand who  began it  and why it was begun. The friends, colleagues, and relatives became enemies, because they have different points of view on current events. There is  total madness around me: fear , death, and uncertainty .

 The picture that you can see in this post was taken in May, when the situation wasn't so difficult, but now it has the new meaning : "Save the peace in our county and in the world !"

 In the conclusion I'd like to emphasize  that  the most significant thing in the world is peace. Everyone should do their best to save it! If you live in peace, you'll have everything you want to have.

My best wishes for everyone around the world!

                                                            Irina Miroshina


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