Lesson Plan : Music in Our Life


 I think, it's a good idea  to start the lesson with this saying:
 “Music is the universal language of the world” H. Longfellow
 It`s impossible to live without music, it follows us everywhere, it is in our hearts, feelings and souls. 

I recommend you  to organise  the  work at the lesson  in groups. To divide pupils  into groups use pictures. I used such ones:

Ask students which synonyms  they know for a word music
(melody, tune, song, descant)
Ask students to write down as many  collocations with  “music” as they can : adjectives in the first column and verbs in the second one.  Give them two - three minutes. The winner will be the team with the longest list of the unique words. ( When the students  hve completed this task they  read  words from their lists one-by-one. The team gets one point if other teams haven't  got the same  word in their lists)
Pre-reading tasks
       What is music for you?
·         How is it important in your life?
·         Can you imagine our life without music?
·         When do you listen to music?
·         How often do you listen to music?
Task 2
NOTE : This article  was taken from  the online teens’ magazines.
  While reading students should  mark the sentences with the special signs 

If they  know the given information – they  should put a V ( tick) opposite the sentence.
If the information is new for themthey should marke it with a +.
If something is not clear for themthey are  to put an     ?  mark and ask questions.

“ Music helps the mind develop and grow," my dad often says, and I have found this to be very true. It is a proven fact that participating in a music program in school will help develop your brain to a higher level and faster than other students. Music actually improves communication between the right and left sides of the brain, allowing you to gain better comprehension and memorization skills.
          So, why do we need music in our schools? Well, because music is everything.
          Music is science. It is exact and demands acoustics. The conductor’s work is to watch volume changes, melody and harmony,  while keeping the group at a constant pace..
            Music is math. It is based on the rhythmic subdivisions of time, done in a split second.
          Music is history. The music you hear or play is usually an indication of the time and environment in which it was created.
           Music is physical education. It requires coordination of fingers, hands, arms, lips, cheeks and facial muscles. Not to mention control of your diaphragm, back, stomach and chest muscles to make sure every note comes out clearly and in pitch.
              Music is a foreign language. Its terms are usually in Italian and the music is not in any language known to man. It is its own language and uses symbols to represent ideas.
              Music is the universal language that everyone understands and can relate to. Music is what brings everything together. It is something that everyone knows.
                Most of all, music is art. It is the greatest form of art that allows a human to take boring notes on a page, and transform them into an emotion and feeling you cannot measure.
                Music is just as important as all the classes you are required to take, and it is critical that music classes remain in schools. Music is a very important part of our life, and if we take it away, who knows what the world would be like.

After-reading activity:
1.Students share their notes about what they knew about music   before, what new facts they have learnt, what is not clear for them.

2.Discussing music styles and their effect on people.
A teacher asks students about   musical styles they know
The answers can be :
·         Classical
·         Folk
·         Jazz
·         Rap
·         Rock
·         Pop.

Then  students are asked  if they have  heard that music has an effect on  people and suggests them to  listen to  four pieces of music of different styles. The task for students is  to paint their emotions while listening to music. After this pupils put their pictures on the blackboard and a school psychologist describes the influence of music on pupils .
To finish the lesson a  teacher asks students  to express their  opinion in their chinquapin poetry using the words they recallect at the beginning of the lesson. The structure of it is here:
                                                               Cinquain poetry:
1word (a subject or a noun)
2 words (adjectives) that describe word 1
3 words (action verbs) that relate to word 1
4 words (feelings or a complete sentence) that relates to word 1
1 word (a synonym of line 1 or a word that sums it up)
Here is the example :

it makes us think and feel

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